
Monday, October 24, 2011


On Thursday, September 20th, Rob graduated! It was a really cool experience, and I was glad I got to see it. The morning of the graduation, We met up with all the other officers and their family members. The wives and family members went into a "class" of sorts, where a Sargent spoke to us about the jobs our husbands would be doing, and what to expect as a result of that job. They gave us both warning signs, and advice. The class kind of scared me, but I also think there was a lot of good advice given. After the class, we headed into find our seats. Once the graduation started, I heard an amazing version of the National Anthem, sung by my own husband, and his brother Scott. I had heard them sing it the night before as they praticed, but it didnt prepare me for the emotion that I felt as they sang it for the graduation. Robs mom has it on video, and if I can get a copy of it, I will post it. After the Anthem, There was the normal speahes and awards. Rob got the Visionary award, which is a great honor. Then came time to get their certificates. Of course, my husband was the only one who didnt turn so we could get a picture of him getting it. Ha Ha. After that, they got sworn in. This was also a very emotional thing for me to watch. I had an overwhelming sense of pride and love for Rob and for the responsibility he has taken on. After the graduation, we took some pictures, and then headed to lunch with some more family. Lunch was good, and as always, the family time was amazing. I want to thank Mom and Dad Carter, Momma Ludlow, the Tarr's, Grandma Luing, Scott, and My sisters, Mindi and Brittany for making the day so much fun!

Before I post the pictures, I wanted to take a minute and share a few thoughts about Rob. I am so proud of you, and for the decision you made. I know the academy was hard, and some days you didnt think you could memorize one more thing, or walk one more step, but you did it, and Im very proud. I know your job will be stressful, and there will be bad days, but I want you to know that I will always be there for you, wether its to talk, or to just let you rest after a bad day. Im so proud of you, and I love you so much! you are my hero!

"Class 284, Strong To The Core"

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dont Blink

The past few weeks have consisted of the 4 S's. Stressed, Scared, Sisters, and Sweetness. For you to understand this post, you will have to know a little about my personal life. Please note: I have NO intention in hurting anyone, but I have to be honest in my feelings on the matter.

4 Years ago, my dad walked out. There was a lot going on, which doesn't matter now, for its all in the past. My siblings and I all got pulled into their divorce. More than any child should EVER have to. As a result, we have all had bad feelings for almost 4 years against my dad. Myself personally, harbored A LOT of bad feelings, I saw too much, heard too much, and became very bitter against my dad. Needless to say, I've had some bad feelings as a constant companion.

Stressed: A few weeks back, I got a call from my mom stating that my sisters just told her that they had lunch with my dad. My mom was hysterical. After talking to my mom, I called my sisters. They stated that they didn't know how much of a relationship they wanted with my dad, but they did know that they didn't want any regrets if anything were to happen. While I wasn't ready to follow their steps, I understood, and even admired them for their decision. My mom didn't handle the information well, which was understandable after everything that happened to her personally. All of this has led to a very stressful, tense, downright miserable few weeks. I've always been there for my mom. I was the first to share bad feelings I had towards my dad to my mom. In a sense, I enabled her the most to act the way she has. With all of this going on, my sisters and I were worried, and even scared, My sister called someone in her ward and we decided together to go see a counselor. We tried to get my mom to go with us, but we didn't win. We didn't let that stop us, and seeing the "shrink" was the best thing we could have done. It not only helped me deal with my feelings on the matter, but also to understand the why behind my feelings. I'm very glad We went.

Scared: I didn't know that I was going to see my dad, it just kind of... happened. It was the first time in over 2 years that I had seen him, and it was truly TERRIFYING. I didn't know how to act, or what to say. I told my sisters, and they were great at staying by my side and kept things light. While it was still awkward, probably for both of us, I'm so glad it happened. Things are not perfect, and I still find myself mad at the situation sometimes, but next to meeting and marrying Rob, I believe it was the best thing that I have done in years, if not ever. The weight has been lifted off my shoulders is amazing. I do believe that when you hold a grudge, you end up hurting yourself just as much, if not more.

Sisters: Throughout all of this, and a few weeks before with all the baby talk, I have become SUPER close with my sisters. (as evidence of a recent blog post) They really are my best friends. I am really blessed to be their sisters. I love that we can talk everyday, even if its just a text when one of us hear our new song "God gave me you" by Blake Shelton. I love them more than I ever thought possible.

Sweet: This really doesn't have anything to do with the other part of the post, but I think it was AMAZING, and I wanted to have it so I could back and remember it. This past Sunday, my sister Brittany blessed her new little boy Korbin. One of the many highlights of yesterday. After the blessing, I was playing on the ground with kon and Chloe and kon was the monster. Chloe kept telling me to hide her from the monster. This is going on for a good 10 minutes when Chloe sits straight up, looks at me and says "I wanna give you a kiss Emily." she gives me a kiss, then goes right back to her monster game.

"It's the little moments that make life big"

As stressful, and wonderful as my life can be, all at the same time, remember. "don't blink Life Goes Faster Than You Think." -Kenny Chesney.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cha Cha Cha Changes

It seems like Rob and I follow a pattern. At the beginning of June, I started in a new department within WJ Bradley. A week later, Rob started his new job training for “The Circus” (due to the nature of Rob’s work, we don’t say what he is online- Saftey first) Shortly after we switched jobs, we decided to leave south Jordan, and make our trek north to Murray.

Fast forward 4 months. Rob has now completed his circus training, and is now a full time Lion Tamer. (his first day was Friday, and he is really enjoying it) I had another job opportunity fall into my lap, and it wasn’t one I could turn down. So I started a new job today (It is with a national appraisal company- and I think I’m really going to like it.) Also, (if you couldn’t see where this was going already) we are moving again! Yes, I am super stressed about the move, but I’ve also never been so excited to move too! I am excited to live so close to my sisters (ha ha) and I'm also excited to live close to my cousin, and my good friend. Both of their husbands have work or school at night, and since the circus is a 24/7 operation, I won’t have to drive miles and miles to hang out with them (ok, that might be a slight exaggeration) and we can hang out more, and I don’t have to be alone all night (I really think I am getting the better end of the stick with this whole moving thing)

I know what you are thinking- we move A LOT. In the year and a half we have been married (YAY!! A year and a half!!) we have moved from Sandy, to South Jordan, to Murray, and now onto our new city! I am really excited for all of this, and I can’t wait to move. We will be moving sometime between November 1st-December 1st. If anyone wants to help, we are more than happy to let you!
Until next time, enjoy!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Two Pina Coladas

About 10 years ago, My sisters and I were in the car driving, when a song came on the Radio. It was two pina coladas, by Garth Brooks. For some reason, We sang this song at the TOP of our lungs. The song has become our sister song. I think we have had others, but none so lasting as this one. And its funny, because there really isnt anything to link the song to our lives, but just that one experience was all it took.

Over the past week, I have been able to talk to my sisters everyday. While most of our conversations dont really have anything important to be said, we still talk. Its something I LOVE. It hasnt always been this way, but I hope this continues. I love my sisters! I love their families! Im very blessed to have such wonderful sisters, that I get to call friends!

While the song "God gave me you" by Blake Shelton is a song that I feel like represents Rob and I (which is why its my new blog header) I also feel like this song is a great one for my sisters. I love your guts girls!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Forget Me Not

The Church held General Conference this past weekend. The above referenced talk (and yes- there is a song with the same title) was actually given the weekend before Conference at the General Relief Society Meeting. The talk was given by one of my favorite speakers, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. I wanted to share a particular part that I really enjoyed. He said:

"If we spend our days waiting for fabulous roses, we could miss the beauty and wonder of the tiny forget me nots that are all around us. This is not to say that we should abandon hope or temper our goals. Never stop striving for the best that is within you. Never stop hoping for all of the righteous desires of your heart. But don't close your eyes and hearts to the simple and elegant beauties of each day's ordinary moments that make up a rich, well-lived life. The happiest people I know are not those who find their golden ticket; they are those who, while in pursuit of worthy goals, discover and treasure the beauty and sweetness of the everyday moments. They are the ones who, thread by daily thread, weave a tapestry of gratitude and wonder throughout their lives.These are they who are truly happy."

I am thankful for this gentle reminder. I felt like that was directed to me, to remind me to enjoy the things around me while I wait patiently while we go through our current struggles. Im so thankful for modern day prophets who lead and direct us.

I recommend this talk to everyone, here is a little breakdown of the talk: