Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Splish Splash- Anistyns first bath!
One thing I love about Where we had Anistyn, was that they do the first bath in my room, so I got to watch Rob do the honors (with the help of Chloe) The bath didnt last too long, but here are some of the pictures we got. There are also pictures of her getting dressed in her first outfit.
Little Wonders
Not even 24 hours after leaving the hospital with our false alarm, we were back there again. It all started around 1:30AM Sunday September 23rd. After I went to bed at Midnight (see previous post) I woke up and had to go to the bathroom. I walked down the hall, and notice the door was shut. Rob was in there. I turned around to walk back down the hall, and all of the sudden, my water breaks. I turn again and knock on the door, rob says "what" and I say " I think my water broke" I sit on the floor, and he opens the door, ready to jump in the shower. He says "Are you sure you didn't just pee your pants?" Now, I had to think about that question. I didn't know what it felt like to have your water break, so for all I know, I could have just peed my pants. I assess my thoughts, try to think of the last contraction I felt, etc. I then determined that while I still had not felt any contractions I was sure my water broke. (Please also remember that I was still very much on Morphine-once again see previous post)Rob then says he is going to jump in the shower. I calmly change my clothes, and go up stairs and wake up Brittany. I go back downstairs, watch and Rob is running around trying to gather his things (funny side note- he is getting his stuff together, and asks "Em, what did you spill as he is running up and down the hall- I tell him "I didn't spill anything, that is where I was when my water broke." HA HA HA. he stepped in it, and I got a towel to try and clean it up. at this point, I still didn't feel any contractions. We get everything in the car, call my mom and Rob's mom and let them know, and Brittany called Mindi. The drive to the hospital was amazingly LESS stressful than the drive on Saturday. Probably because of two things. 1: I knew they were not going to turn us away. and 2: The morphine had me so tired and numb, that I didn't really think about what my body was about to do. (Thank you Morphine!) When we got to the hospital, they took us into a room to get settled. Rob and I had a little time to ourselves, where we decided for sure on a middle name. Soon, My mom, Brittany and Mindi got there. Of course, My mom and Brittany were armed with even more clothes for the baby, and candy and snacks for Rob. I got hooked up to the heart rate monitors and at some point, Robs mom arrived. (the rest of everything was kind of a blur. -Here is what happened, maybe not in this order.) I was told I could have my epidural if I wanted. (we had been there maybe an hour and a half) I said yes. I failed MISERABLY at getting an epidural. I was scared, and holding onto Rob for dear life, and couldn't hold still. Once that was done, I fell asleep. I slept, and Slept, I woke up here and there a few times. One time, Brittany and Rob wanted to show me the "maternity pictures" that they took for me. (I was sad I didn't do any before hand). After I looked at the pictures, I fell asleep again. I slept, and slept, and slept, and then next thing I know, the nurse is instructing me how to push. I also spiked a fever of 102 at some point in this process. It is now about 2PM. I have been in labor for just over 12 hours, and yes, I slept through about 9 hours of it- and I mean, Nice deep sleep.) After the instructions on how to push, the next thing I know- They are putting a baby on my chest. I remember thinking "I cant believe how much hair she has" (which I shouldn't be surprised, Rob has a lot of hair too) As I had her on my chest, the nurse looked down, and said something, and the next thing we know, She is calling for a NICU nurse. I don't remember really anything, other than thinking "Why is she calling someone" The NICU nurse came in, and they took Her and Rob to the NICU. I guess she was not breathing right, also, since I had a fever, they thought she would too (which she didn't, her temp was actually very low- which doesn't usually happen if the mom has a fever) After they took her away, I fell asleep again for another hour or so, Then they woke me up to take me to my room. When I got settled in there, I text Rob and asked what was going on, and when they were going to be up, since I had not really seen my baby, and was more awake, I was kinda freaking out. He sent me two pictures, and told me they should be up soon, that he was just holding her as she was finishing up getting some antibiotics. When They finally got up to our room, Rob walked in first, and he had the BIGGEST smile on his face. I finally got to hold and really see my baby girl, and then we let grandma's hold her. After that, Momma carter left, and The Jensen kids got there, followed shortly by Grandma and Grandpa GG, and Robs mom and dad. I think Robs sister Kim came back as well (Im still a little fuzzy about that first day). That is all I'm going to post about on this update. She did get her first bath that night, but that will be its own post next. Here are the pictures leading up to the delivery and some of the first pictures of our beautiful Perfect daughter Anistyn Cambree Kaleolani Carter. She was 7 lbs 13oz and 22 inches long. ****Going to the hospital and settling in**** ****Sleeping and "Maternity pictures"**** ****Delivery room board, Dr Barney, Nurse**** ****Anistyn Cambree Kaleolani Carter**** ****Anistyn and Daddy**** ****headed to the NICU, in the NICU with daddy**** ***Waiting for Anistyn**** ****Mommy finally gets to see Anistyn, First Family Picture**** That is all for this post. I am so glad Anistyn is finally here! We love her so much already!
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