Whew! Time flies when you have a new baby, work, and have a husband. I cannot believe my baby girl is 5 months old now!! This post will probably be wordy, with very few (or no) pictures, depending if you can add pictures to the blog if you are using the iPad. I will go back and update on Anistyn at certain and specific times, but for now, here is the general update on our little family. -------------- when I had Anistyn, Rob was able to take 5 weeks off to spend with us. He adjusted to fatherhood with no problems. He is the best dad ever, and Anistyn is crazy about him. (More on that in another post) anyway, a week into the time off, rob was already dreading going back to the prison, so he decided to sign up and do real estate classes. He was able to complete them and take both his school and state test and have his license by the end of the year. He is still at the prison, but wants to quit and do real estate full time, but he is holding off a little longer. He got put in a new post so he is liking his job at the prison more, but will not be there forever. ---------- We moved a few weeks back. It was one of the most amazing and powerful experiences I have ever had. It was not what we had planned at all, both the location, or timing of it, but I have never had such a powerful witness that we are where we are supposed to be, when we are supposed to be here. I'm loving cooking, and doing laundry (I know, the things you look forward to... Ha ha) I will do a separate post on this as well. ---------- I am still working from home, and loving it! I have the best job. I love how I am blessed to be able to be with my daughter every day, all day. She is the funniest, cutest, most stubborn little thing ever. Becoming a mother is the most rewarding experience I have ever had. (More on that later too) ------- rob and I both went back to school. Classes started Mid January. I'm loving my math class. I have the best teacher, and for the first time in my life, I feel like I am understanding math. We have had 2 tests so far, and I have gotten an A+ on both of them. It's a very rewarding feeling. Rob and I are also taking an online computer class together, we hate that class. Rob also has a criminal justice class. ------- rob and I will be celebrating our 3rd anniversary at the end of this month, I can't believe it's been 3 years already! I don't know If we will be celebrating with just us, or our little family, but we will be celebrating with our family by being sealed! I am so excited. We have been looking forward to this day for 3 and a half years. I couldn't ask for a better anniversary gift (although is its not happening on our anniversary) I'm so excited! ------ that's a watered down update. I will work on going into more detail in the next few days,, and add several (hundred) pictures of our adorable baby girl! Until then.....