
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

30 days of bloging to get to know Me/Us!

So I want to blog more, but a lot of the time, Im at a loss of things to say. So I decided to take something off Tricia's Blog, and see how it goes. I'ts a 30 day thing, a post a day. I think its a good way for some of you fellow blogers to get to know me, and maybe a little bit of Rob too. I am going start this tomorrow, but Ill give you a little preview of what to expect. So without further ado, the 30 days of blogging!!

day 1- your favorite song
day 2- your favorie movies
day 3-your favorite television program
day 4- your favorite book
day 5- your favorite quote
day 6- 20 of your favorite thigns
day 7- a photo that makes you happy
day 8- a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 9- a photo you took
day 10- a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
day 11-a photo of you recently
day 12- something you are OCD about
day 13- your favorite outfit
day 14- your favorite shoes
day 15- your dream house
day 16- a song that makes you cry
day 17- your favorite art piece
day 18- my wedding/future wedding/ past wedding
day 19- a talent of yours
day 20- a hobby of yours
day 21- a recipe
day 22- a website
day 23- a youtube video
day 24-where I live
day 25-your day in great detail
day 26- your week, in great detail
day 27- your worst habit
day 28- whats in my handbag/purse
day 29-hopes, dreams and plans for 365 days
day 30- a dream for the future

I think this is going to be fun! Let the Good times Roll!

1 comment:

  1. This is a good idea! I may have to steal it from you :)
