WOW. It has been such a long time since i posted, atleast I did well for a little while. I have had a few people ask for an update, so I will give a short one. Work is going really well for me. Im really loving my job, and hopefully things will be getting even better. Rob is still at the same branch, and he really likes it there. Rob and I hung out with some of his co-workers the Friday before Halloween. His Manager does a Scavanger hunt around the valley, and I got to go along. I was really nervous because i didnt really know anybody and Rob was going to be at one of the locations scaring, so I went with a really cute girl named Jo, and We had a lot of fun. Robs costume was awesome! I wish I would have gotten a picture of it. He also dressed up in a different costume for friday at work. he did such a good job with his makeup. We finally found a place to move to, since our Lease is up in mid December. Its in South Jordan, and I am really excited to go there, but I am dreding, and semi-stresing about the actual moving part. We are hoping to move the first weekend of December, and Im praying the weather is on our side. I didnt think I could beat my 7 minute commute to work that I have now, But as soon as one of the roads open, I am looking at a 5 minute commute-tops. In fact, at work we just moved upstairs, and I can see the neighborhood from our windows. Its pretty sweet! Rob's old mission companion, and one of his best friends just got married, and since then we have hung out a lot with them, as well as 3 other couples. It has been so much fun! We are making a lot of plans to hang out even more. I got a new Camera, and I want to get into the photography business, so I have had a little bit of fun playing around with it. I have a new Blog for my photography, it is Rob and I also got family pictures done with my family, I will put those pictures up soon! Other than that, nothing really exciting has been happening. Rob did end up getting 5 stitches in his hand today. He was at work getting some brownies out of a pan, and the knife won. :-( Other than that, we havent really been up to much. We are just busy with work, school (Rob), and hanging out with friends, Life is pretty great. I will try to be better at this, but until then......
Robs Halloween Costume for work

A picture I took at the Salt Lake temple. See more at
Robert nice job on your face! Good luck moving; moving is never fun :[