1- Rob and I have been married for just over a year, and have known each other for almost 2 years.
2- I am almost 25, and Rob is almost 32. we are almost 7 years apart. The prefect age difference if you ask me.
3- My Husbands full name is Robert Amos Hoomanuawnui Carter. I have been able to say his middle name since the first week we met, but I have only known how to spell it for a little over a month or so.
4- I am rather terrified of heights, whereas Rob loves to skydive and wants to go bungie jumping. He is definanaly more daring then I am.
5- There are 2 things I want to do before I die. Travel the World, and have kids. Too bad they dont work hand in hand together.....
6- I am kind of a geek. I love to read, and I usually have a book with me at all times.
7- I wish I was crafty. I love doing wood crafts, but I long to be as crafty as my sister Brittany, who seems to be able to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
8- If you combine Robs family and mine, we have 5 parents, around 18 kids, about 50 neices and nephews (they span from the age of about 23 to in the womb), and one great nephew (my neice has a baby). Needless to say, Family gatherings can be a lot of fun.
9- I have been to 7 states. Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, California, Nevada, Texas, and Colorado.
10- I hate to go shopping for clothes. I can never find anything I like. It is kind of depressing
11- Rob lived in California and Texas while he was growing up, went on an LDS mission to Argintena, and has lived in California, Hawaii, and Utah since. And if he got his way, we would not live in Utah.
12- I am a very shy person, but most people dont know that. I have learned over the years that you can accomplish a lot more by acting confident. To do so, I have to really leave my comfort zone.
13- I hate the questions "what is your favorite movie" "What is your favorite TV show" and "Who is your favorite artist/band" because I am never able to answer them, and if I do, I immedietly want to change my answer.
14- I work for a mortgage company, and Rob is currently working for a credit union.
15- My family is the most important thing to me.
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