As I have mentioned before, I have not been happy with my job lately. I have felt semi burnt out, and needed a change. I had a job interview on May 16, and I felt like it went really well. Later that week, my boss hinted that I got the job. I started thinking about if I really wanted this particular position. It was a rather substantail pay cut, but in the long run, it could get my to my final goal with the company. After discussing it with Rob, we decided that it would be best if I accepted the job offer. I had 5 days to think about it, to get excited about it. I was excited for the change, and excited about the job. I was feeling really good about it all! Yesterday, I got a call from the hiring manager, and she offered me the job. I was prepared to say yes right on the spot, then I was told that if I took the job, I wouldnt be able to take my trip. I couldnt believe it! After talking to my boss, and Rob, I decided it would be better if I didnt take the job. The hiring manager said she was not doing this to test me, but rather that she needed somebody right then. She said she would keep me in mind for future positions, and would love to have me in her department.
I am not sure why exactly this has happened, but I feel like it happened for a reason, and that somehting will come up, when the timing is right, something better.
In other news, Rob applied a while back for a position as a correctional at the Utah state prison. He was selected to complete the training process which includes a written test, a physical test, a psych evaluation, a polygraph, a background check, and a drug test. He found out yesterday (yesterday was an eventful day) that they are starting on the background check, and once that comes back, he will just do his drug test, and then he starts at the police academy on June 27th. I am so excited and proud of him! I know he is excited too, he has wanted this for a long time.
I believe now is the perfect time to go on our trip. Once we get back, Rob starts the Police academy, and then will probably have the crappy shifts, since he will be at the bottom of the totem poll. He will also probably have to work holidays and weekends, and not have any time off for a while. I think our trip is just what we need as we transition into this new chapter in our lives!
I'm sorry the job didn't work out Em, but something better will definitely come along! And YAY for Rob's job and your trip! I'm so glad you guys can still go :)