Yes, It is sad but true. Life does go on after a vacation ends. When our Vacation ended, we were up for a few changes. Some of these changes were planned before the trip, others were more spur of the moment. One thing was that the day I got back from our trip I started a new position within WJB. It was the position that I had applied for, but turned down because of our vacation. As it turned out, I could have the position anyway. Another Change was that, after almost 4 years of Rob working at America Fist Credit Union, he left to start his adventure in the law enforcement field. We are really excited about the change, although it kind of makes me nervous. As if switching jobs was not crazy enough, we also decided to move. We had a friend ask if we could help them move, we also found out that they are moving to California, and were going to rent out their house. We asked a few more questions, and from there, we decided to take a look at it, and were planning on renting out there house. After discussing it a little furter, we decided to not move out, something didnt really feel right, so we kind of forgot about it. Then we helped them move a washer and dryer from their old place (they were living with their grandma in her basement apartment) we liked the basement apartment, and talked about it, and decided to give our notice at our place in South Jordan, and move to West Jordan. 3 weeks before moving day, we found out that the grandma gave the place to someone else, and the stress began to sink in. We didnt want to stay at our old place, but we didnt have anywhere to go. I was talking to a good friend of ours, and he asked how much we were paying and a few other questions. He then said the renters of his townhouse were late on their payments, and he was considering evicting them to get more dependable renters. I mentioned this to Rob, and we decided to go to dinner the next night to discuss this with Aaron and his wife Lyndsie. I got a call as we were leving for dinner, we got a call and found out that the renters just up and left and they needed help moving some stuff. We went to the townhouse, and I looked around, I instantly loved it, mainly the HUGE bathtub! (Rob lived here when he first moved to Utah) We talked numbers, and it was settled. We had a place we were moving to, and we were ready to go. Now, we have finally moved everything, although we still have some unpacking to do. We have been at the new place for 3 weeks, and I still like it, although I do miss that I am not 5 minutes or less away from work, but 10 minutes is not that The other big thing that has happened. Was my car, named the Grinch died this week. It was probably one of the most terrifying times of my life. I was going down the street back to work on my lunch break, when I lost my power stearing as I was doing down a curvy hill. I noticed my battery light was on, so I didnt want to turn off my car, because I didnt know if it would start again. I would normally call my neice Halay who works with me, but that morning her car died, and I was her ride home. I decided I shouldnt take the freeway, but I was going to try and get as close to work as I could. I made it to where Rob was, but just barely. It was pouring Rain, and I drove with my window down. I think I made it there in once piece emotionally, but It was a short lived strength. When I got to Robs work, I just asked the lady at the front desk if I could leave a note for Rob, letting him know I was taking his car, and I would be back from him when he was off, and I would explain everything then. The lady asked if I was ok, and that was all it took, the tears started coming, and they couldnt stop. I kept saying that I would just leave a note, but they insisted I talk to him, and calm down a little bit. When we finally found him, I lost it again. He came out and looked at the car, and determined that (among other things) I lost my belts, the container holding my coolant exploded, I blew a gasket, and everything was covered in oil. I called my moms mechanic friend, and he said that the car was not worth the money that it would take to fix the car. (the thing that makes me so mad is that we just put 2 new tires on in the past month, and 20 minutes before the car died, I filled up the gas tank!) Needless to say, The Grinch had its final drive with the Ludlow/Toilolo/Jensen/Carter family. I meant to take picture of the car, since it was in the family for about 9 years, but I forgot. As far as cars go, we are doing the one car thing since Rob is only 5 minutes away from my work, and our hours are relativly similar. Its actually been kind of nice, because we get a few more minutes in the morning to talk. Thats pretty much our life since our trip. We have been able to spend a lot of time with family, but that is the next post. Hopefully I will be able to do it tonight or tomorrow. We shall see. Until then, here are some random pictures of life since the trip.
Rob had to get a "military" haircut before starting his job, so the day before, We decided to give Rob a Mo-Hawk. I actaully really liked it. LOL

This is Rob and his mom on the back of the Bike (I LOVE this bike, and he looks super sexy on it-if I do say so myself. This is his mom, going on her first ride with Rob, she really liked it.

This is the only picture of "The Grinch" that I have. (this was a terrible day back in December when I got the car stuck in the snow off the side of the driveway.
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