To start off, I cant believe it is December already! that is crazy for me. This year has gone by super fast! November was filled with some fun family times. Usually, we see Robs family more than mine, but This past month that has been switched around. To start it off, Rob had to work one saturday, So I went to my dads house to help him. They remodled their house and he needed it done before Miranda's mission fairwell. The next day, we had our monthly family dinner with Robs family. The next Sunday, We had Miranda's fairwell. Somewhere in the middle of everything, we finally moved. It was stressful, and I am glad that we are finally done. (It was sad to move and see how we were treated by our "landlord" once we gave our notice, but I know that we did the right thing by moving. So I try not to think about it.) We all got settled into the house, and got things ready for thanksgiving. We went to my dads that afternoon, and then back to our house for thanksgiving with my mom. Both were fun, with great food. I made a new recipie for Rolls that I got from Robs aunt, and they turned out to be a big hit! (I'll add the recipie) It was weird not seeing Robs family for thanksgiving, His mom was in California so there wasnt a thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving night was EPIC!! My sisters and I drug my mom with us first to Carters, so my sisters could get some clothes for the kids, and then to Walmart. (I wanted a sewing machine- and no, I didnt get one) Walmart was a mad house, and I will NEVER go there again on a black Friday. We basically put my mom in a random isle, and the three of us ran around the store and just grabbed everything and then we finally sat around and sorted through the loot. Then we parted ways with my mom and sat outside Kohls. That was also an adventure. We didnt wait in line, we just tried running in as soon as the door opened. we got held up a little, and I ended up holding the door for a good 1,000 people before we were let in, but that was still better than what it would have been if we had waited in line. My sisters got the barbie stuff they were looking for, and I got a blanket that I wasnt going for, as well as an electric tooth brush that rob and I wanted. After that, we went home. I was sad I didnt get a sewing machine, but I was glad that I made it out of Walmart alive, so I cant complain too much. We didnt end up going to bed until about 5AM. the next morning, we woke up and went to target with Britt and my mom. We got the blindside for $3, x men first class for $13 and How I met your mother season 6 for $10 ( I wanted to get all the seasons of HIMYM but they didnt have them all on sale (and I already have season 3) Then we went to lunch, and went to sports chalet. that night, we had cafe Rio and played a 3 hour game of phase 10 with the jensens, and didnt get to bed til about 2AM. The next morning, I went to Kmart because they had a sale on sewing machines, and I was able to get one. Then that night while Rob worked, we had Chloe's birthday party. My mom came over early, and helped me decorate my christmas tree, and then we had dinner. Britt, Kev, and I were really nervous for this party, because My mom, Dad, and Rebecca were all gonna be there. We were all happily surprised with how well the party went, and it was nice to have family around again. Sunday, Britt and I set up my sewing machine, and I made a rag carseat cover (I will add pictures of that too) I loved sewing, and Im glad I found a machine. the bad part about those carseat covers is shredding them, that stinks! Thats my update. We love where we are living, and I love being so close with the 3 kids! they are so much fun! Rob likes it too, and its fun to watch him with the kids!
Quick & Easy Garlic-Parmesan Rolls
Recipe by Our Best Bites
1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
4-5 cloves garlic, minced or pressed
2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese (fresh or canned)
20 rise and bake frozen rolls (like Rhodes)
Place the butter, garlic, and Italian seasoning in a microwave-safe dish and heat until melted. Whisk in the Parmesan cheese.
Place the frozen dough balls in a large bowl. Drizzle the butter/cheese mixture over the dough and then toss quickly to evenly coat the dough in the butter and cheese. Place the dough in a 9×13″ pan and allow to rise until doubled (follow the package directions). Bake according to package directions until the rolls are evenly golden on top and serve as soon as you can pull them apart without hurting yourself. Makes 20 rolls, but don’t count on people being able to stop after 1 roll…

Carseat cover Brittany and I made (first sewing project I've done by the way)

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