Friday, June 29, 2012
I love to see the Temple
Tuesday, June 26th, Rob and I went down to Manti with Tony and Loni. We went and saw the "Mormon Miracle Pageant" (AKA- Manti Pageant) Tony and Loni were married in Manti, and I received my endowment in Manti. It is one of my favorites, if not favorite temple. We had all seen the pageant, except for Rob. I was really excited for him to see it, Especially the end of it :D I left work at about 3PM, met up with everyone, had a dinner stop in Provo at Mountain West Burrito (If you have NEVER been there- Go. Its SOOO good! Its all organic, huge, and has good prices. I LOVED IT!)After that, we headed up to Manti. On the way, we saw some smoke from the "Wood Hollow Fire" It was nuts, it looked HUGE! When we got to Manti, we parked, staked out a spot to watch the pageant, saved the seats with blankets, then went to hang out across the street at the park. We talked a little bit, then decided to get drinks (I was adamant about this, because I didn't want to be in the heat for too long without a drink since I got so sick the weekend before) We walked up and down the "main" street, got drinks and then went back to our seats and waited for the pageant to start. Rob kinda dozed off at the beginning, but then he got a 2nd wind, and was able to stay awake for most of it. For those of you who may not know what the "Manti Pageant" is, I will give you a little background, including a few spoilers- as they are my favorite part. First of all, The Manti temple is on a hill, and the pageant takes place on the side of the hill, with the temple as the background. The Pageant tells the story of Joseph Smith, A few brief stories that have taken place in the book of Mormon, such as Captain Moroni and the title of Liberty, Samuel the Laminate, and the story of when Christ visited the Americas. It also tells the story of the pioneers coming across the planes, and a couple that joins the church, and comes across as well. The two best parts of the Pageant are when its talking about Angel Moroni- It shows several Moroni's at different stages, like him finishing the book of Mormon, and burring them, When he is an angel and appears to Joseph Smith when he finds them, and him on the top of the temple (The Manti temple is one of the few temples that do not have a statue of Angel Moroni on top)The hill and temple are dark at this time, then there are spotlights on each Moroni, and then the temple Becomes a little brighter, and there is a man up on the temple spire, sounding his trump. it is AWESOME to see. The Other best part of the pageant is the Couple that joins the church. Robert and Mary start. They are around when Joseph Smith is hearing about all the different churches. The couple has questions like "Why am I here" " What happens when we die" Etc. we see them again when they are coming west, and the wife dies. In her last words, she says she will be waiting for her husband on the other side, and will take him by the hand when its his time. Then we see Robert die a little later on. as he is surround by people, and "The spirit of God" plays softly and then becomes loud. you see a man in pure white stand up, and a girl walking towards him in white. they are reunited, and they walk the steps of the temple, towards the wall, where the cast is all dressed in white, singing Hosanna. and the temple becomes SO bright. Anyway, That is the Manti pageant in a nut shell. I was emotional from the national anthem, but I really lost it at the Angel Moroni part, a part where a pioneer woman has to bury her baby on the planes, and of course, the end with Robert and Mary. That was the part I really wanted Rob to see. I was so glad we got to go down there, and it was fun hanging out with Tony and Loni before they move to New York. Here are a few pictures. (Please ignore my goofy smile by the gas station- I was eating a purple slushier and my mouth was purple. ha ha)
Heaven Forbid
I had a scary weekend last weekend. It all started Thursday June 21st. When I woke up, I was feeling ok. A little on the tired side, but I'm used to that. By noon, I had a slight headache and my stomach was rumbling. I ate my lunch and kind of started to feel better. By the time I was leaving work, and heading to my Niece's birthday party at planet play, I was not feeling so well. I thought it was because of the heat (It was close to 100 degrees- plus being heated by my own personal oven) I was the first one there, so I went to the bathroom, then sat down and waited for family and tried sipping water. If I thought it was hot outside, I was NOT prepared with how hot it was during the party. I went and tried to get some food, and sat down with it. I took one look at it, and decided I probably should go to the bathroom. I went and was sick. Then when I felt like I was done, I just decided to get some ice cream to help cool me off. Half way to the table, I made eye contact with Rob, turned around, through the ice cream away, and ran to the bathroom again. After about 15 minutes, Rob sent his sister in to see if I was okay. I thought I was, so I went back, got some ice cream and slowly ate it. The rest of the party I was on the verge of getting sick. I would sip on water and sprite, but I could tell I was just getting worse. I finally excused myself and went home. I made it home just in time. after another face off with the toilet, I went to my room and just laid on the floor in front of our fan. Any movement pushed me over the edge. I finally got into bed, and fell asleep until about 2AM, after that, I was up all night sick. I finally had a little relief at about 7AM until I got up to go to work. I had to move very slow, and I kept trying to drink some water, but it was not staying down. When I got to work, and after I was still having to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes) and my doctor's office opened, I decided I should probably call them to make sure everything was okay with both me and the baby. I told them how long I had been sick, how I was feeling, and what my symptoms were. I was told that I was dehydrated, and by the sound of it, I was VERY dehydrated. The nurse put me on hold, and called the doctor. When she came back, she had instructions for me. They wrote me a prescription for zofran, and told me that if I still could not hold water down by 4PM, Then I would need to go straight to labor and delivery. I would need an IV, and to be monitored, since dehydration is the number one cause for pre-term labor. (This turned me into an emotional basket case) I was also advised that if I had ANY contractions, even a little one, I would need to go to hospital ASAP. I broke down to the nurse, and told her that I didn't even know what a contraction felt like. She was very patient and explained it to me, helped calm my fears a little, and said to call her directly if I had any questions. ( I LOVE my doctors office!)I was going to leave work, take the medicine, and take a nap and see how I felt at 4, and then I would have a better idea if I would need to go to the hospital, but due to a fire in Saratoga springs (about 10 minutes from my work) 3 girls had to go home, because there homes were in danger, and they were being evacuated. I did my best to stick it out, but finally left at 2:30. I got home, Rob went and picked up my medicine, and got me some crackers and powerade. I tried the medicine, and laid down. I still felt really sick, but I was able to keep a few swallows of water down. I told Rob to go to work, and that if I got sick again, I would call him, and we would go to the hospital, but since I was able to hold down a little water, and the baby was moving once in a while, I was trying to stay home. By about 10PM, I ate a cracker, and had a little sip of powerade. Sunday I was still feeling sick, but the zofran did miracles, and I was no longer throwing up. By Saturday night, I had a brownie (yes, I know, not the best thing to eat, but my cousin made them, and they looked SUPER YUMMY!) I still had only drank a few sips of water and powerade by Saturday night, but the baby was bouncing and kicking and going nuts, so I was not too worried. As much as I cant wait to meet out little girl, I am so glad she didn't try to make her grand entrance. I would like for her to cook a little longer. Since getting sick, I have decided to only drink water and powerade. (for the most part) I was drinking sprite on top of the water, but I'm sure the sugar and carbonation doesn't help with the dehydration, So I decided not to drink it anymore. It's been a week and I have survived. So the next 3 months shouldn't be too bad. :D
Monday, June 18, 2012
Life Goes on
Yes, life goes on after vacation. I pretty much needed a vacation after our vacation. I was EXHAUSTED! I knew there would be a lot of walking, I just didn't realize how much! At the end of each day, My feet and ankles were swollen, and I had sores on my toes. I kinda felt like I had elephant feet. When we got back home, we got back into our work routine. That Thursday, I had a doctors appointment. Everything is looking great with the baby. He said we have one of the most active babies he has ever seen. I LOVE feeling and seeing her move! I love reading about the new things she does each week, and finding out how big she is. I love her so much! I get to drink the gross orange stuff next appointment. Lucky me! Last weekend, Rob took his motorcycle (2011 Honda Shadow Phantom) into the shop to get a screw replaced (He stripped it out on Mothers day) Needless to say, we left Saturday with a Brand new Motorcycle (2012 Honda Interstate). We had been discussing this for a while, and decided that if he wanted to do it, and the numbers worked out, then we would do it now, before the baby came. We both LOVE the new bike! The next Day, Sunday, June 10th, my niece Kamden was blessed. She was SO beautiful! After lunch at my sisters house, Rob took me on a Motorcycle ride (He has been good about not letting me ride due to the baby, but he took me on a ride up to his moms)We visited with family, Rob showed the boys the new bike, they went on a ride, and we got to know Trisha better (Scott's fiancee- they got engaged yesterday!!!) She is super cute! I am excited to have another sister, and she fits into the family SOOO Well. Good job Scotty!! The next little bit of the week was un-eventful. I had Wednesday off and I hung out with my sister in the morning while Rob went to a DR appointment, Then Rob and I just hung out until my work party. We had it at Boondocks. It was really fun. I couldnt do much, but we did beat the Larsen's at mini golf. (I will upload pictures tonight or tomorrow- they are on Rob's camera and its at home) Jill is one of my favorite co-workers and its was fun hanging out with her and her husband Stan. The next big thing was Friday, June 15th. I crossed the line from Mid 20's to late 20's. Yikes! I was somewhat hesitant to have my birthday, but it was all good. I spent the day at work, and then the evening at my nephew Konnor's kindergarten graduation and then dinner with my family. It was a good night, but it would have been better if Rob didn't have to work. :( Saturday Rob had a baseball game in the early afternoon and after that, we took a nap, went to down east, and then went to dinner. It was fun spending time with him. :) Sunday was Fathers day, this fathers day was extra special for 2 main reasons. 1) I got to spend it with my dad. It was the first time in 4 years. I'm so glad He is back in my life. and 2) It was Rob's first official fathers day! I got him a card and 2 candy bars from me and the baby. (I told him last weekend that his bike was his fathers day present- Shopping for him is so easy! he he) We had dinner at my sisters house, and then Rob had to head to work. :( Here are a few pictures, They will probably be pretty Random. Sorry about that. HA HA Rob and the New bike. the little girl is our cute niece Allison (this is her mom's favorite picture :D)
Cute outfits a co-worker got for me when she went back east
baby bump at 25 weeks 3 days (Today)
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Watching Airplanes
Tuesday, June 5, we got ready, Packed our bags, and checked out of the hotel. The plan was to go to Fords theater and the Peterson house (Where president Lincoln was Shot, and later died) but they were sold out. I was sad about this, as Lincoln is my favorite president, and I was really looking forward to seeing the theater and the house- but its okay. We headed back to DC and Rob dropped me off at the Lincoln Monument and I ran up and took a few pictures (we were gonna go earlier in the week, but it was always after we walked around all day, and my feet and legs just couldn't take it.) I took a few pictures of there, and the Washington Monument. (Rob saw the monuments when he was in DC when he was 16 or so)
After the Monument, we headed to the airport, we got there early, walked around the gift shops, and got lunch. We ended up getting Robs mom a present, and Baby girl carter (I really wanted to find her something, since this was her first trip) Can you tell who got what? ha ha
We said farewell to DC, and headed to Denver where we had a layover. Our lay over was only supposed to be an hour and a half, but we ended up being there for about 5 hours (if we would have known that, we would have seen if family wanted to do dinner or something- but we didn't know we would be there all night) We looked in the gift shops, ate dinner, and waited for the flight (thank heaven for ipads/iphones to entertain us while we waited) We landed back in Salt Lake at about Midnight, got our car, and headed home, where we fell right asleep. If was a really fun trip, and I am glad Rob and I got one last one before the baby comes. It was good to just hang out and spend time together, especially with Rob's schedule, where sometimes we can go a few days without really seeing each other. I loved seeing all the sites, and the history that is in that city!

My Country 'Tis Of Thee
Monday, June 4th we woke up and headed to Nationals Park to do our Stadium tour. Rob was super excited, and of course, we got to the stadium super early. After Rob got a new shirt in the team store, we headed into the stadium. The tour was more fun than I expected. We got to see how the Rich people enjoy games, and see and hear about the team and their history. Rob was excited when he saw a Nationals player practicing in the batting cage, and when he got to throw a pitch in the bull pen (He threw a strike) Our tour was fun, there was only 4 of us, so it was semi private and our tour guide knew EVERYTHING! (She has been there from the beginning)
After the tour, we met up with Rob's Friend Melissa at "We the Pizza". It was pretty good. We visited with her for a little bit, then walked down capitol hill to the US capitol building. The capitol tour was probably my least favorite thing we did. It was cool to see the rotunda, and all the detail that is there, and all the statues were cool, but its a "see once and your good for life" type of place.
After the Capitol, we headed back to Alexandria, and tried to find a mall or something for some suvioners, We were unsuccessful, and just decided to go to dinner. We couldn't really find/decide on a place, so we just decided to go to Mango Mikes since it was at the intersection we were at. I was excited because from the outside, it looked like Mexican food (and I LOVE mexican food, especially with this pregnancy) I was however, a little worried when we walked in and realized it was Caribbean food, especially since this pregnancy has made me some-what sensitive to food. We were so hungry that we just decided to stay. Rob ended up getting some kind of seafood plate, and I got the sliders (yes, I know, super Caribbean) They were super good, and by the end of our meal, I was VERY happy with our location choice. After dinner, we went back to the hotel, spent some time and money in the gift shop (we each got a T shirt and our shot glass- We have gotten one everywhere we have gone, except for Dallas- We need to see if a family member will bring one in for us when they come, or mail it to us) After that, we just settled into our room for our last night in DC. (Meaning Rob watched a game, and I fell asleep within seconds of getting in bed. Yes- I know, I am the life of the party.

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