Friday, June 1, 2012, Bright and early (about 4AM)I woke up, got ready (as ready as one gets when you know your spending the majority of the day at airports and on planes) Rob got home from work at about 6:30AM, and while he was getting cleaned up really quickly, I finished the last minute packing and we made our way to the airport. We parked, checked in on our flight, made our way through security, grabbed a little something to eat on the plane, and waited about 10 or so minutes before we boarded our plane. I was very nervous for this flight. I don't know if it was because of the 40 minute lay over in Chicago, and worrying that we would miss our flight to DC (last time we landed in Chicago, we were 40 minutes late, our plane was ready to take off, and we had to RUN across the airport to get onto our flight), or if had something to do with the baby. Probably a little of both. Lucky for me, I think Baby Girl Carter knew I was nervous, and I would get a reassuring kick every once in a while. Rob feel asleep before the plane even took off, and slept for most of the flight (Understandably so- since he worked all night before) We landed for our 40 or so minute lay over in Chicago, we checked our phones and saw that we had a few messages from Rob's sister Debby, letting us know that a storm was expected in DC, and she suggested we just head straight to her house (The original plan was to go to our hotel, freshen up, and then head to Debby's house) We decided to go straight there. When we landed in DC, there was a light rain. When we got our bags, and headed to the car rental place, It was POURING. While we were at the car rental place, I looked up at the TV just in time to see that there was a tornado warning for the DC area. Let the panic and anxiety set it! We finally got our car, and started the 30 or so minute drive to Debby's house in Virginia. The drive ended up taking us 3 times as long due to traffic, and the storm. There were times where we couldn't see anything in front of us, or we could see mud sliding down the side of the hill and across the freeway, or an inch of standing water. It was pretty scary. When we finally got there, we said hello to Debby and Alan and their kids, and I finally got to meet Donald and Cat and there kids (Donald was the last sibling I had to meet- now I have met all 13!- WAHOO!) We visited and had lots of food. A little later, Carley (Rob's niece) and her husband arrived from North Carolina, and we all visited some more. We had such a good time visiting and getting to know everyone more! When we decided it was time to go, we followed Debby, Carley and Josh to Robert Carter Road. We were not very successful in getting a good picture, but it was a lot of fun trying! After that, we said our goodbyes, and headed to our hotel in Alexandria Virginia. We checked into the Westin Alexandria around 1AM and went to bed so we could get some rest before the rest of our adventures began! Chicago Midway Airport

Washington Dulles Airport

Rob with a sign on Robert Carter Road.

We were here!

The Westin hotel in Alexandria Virginia
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