Monday, December 27, 2010
me and my nook
Oh how I love my new nook that I got for christmas! I'm using it right now to update my blog. Now if I could only figure out how to get books on it. :-D
Monday, December 13, 2010
something to make your mouth water, and an update
Hello Blogger friends! Its been a crazy little while since I last blogged. Last time I blogged, I was sitting in the living room of our townhouse, and now I am sitting in my living room at the new basement apartment. Thats right, the big move has come and gone. In short, I really like the new place. The only adjustment we have really faced is going from 2.5 bathrooms, to 1. Other than that, things are great here. We moved on a Saturday with the help of great family and friends, and my saturday night I was unpacked, and my Christmas tree was up and decorated. :-D Work is going well for both of us. Rob was in a Mortgage training for the past two weeks, while I have just been busy at my job. Im excited for Christmas to be here, It will be fun to celebrate "Our First Christmas" Im pretty excited about it. On the other hand, having christmas pass, means the new year starts, and shortly after the new year I am going under the knife. I am super nervous. I have to get my gaullbladder out. I know it is a minor surgery, but I have never had anything like this done, I have not even had stitches...EVER. Needless to say, the panic is starting to kick in. On a happier note, I wanted to share a new recipie I got from one of Rob's Coworkers with all you blog buddies! They are super yummy chocolate Oreo Balls. They were really easy to make.
All it calls for is a package of Oreo's, an 8oz pkg of cream cheese, and a package of Andie's mint chips. You use a food processor to chop the oreos. then you add in the creemcheese, mix them well. Then you roll them out into balls and let them sit in the fridge until they are a little harder. Then you melt the chips, dip the balls in, and let them set on some wax paper. they are wonderful. I even took some pictures for ya ( a little documentation of my journey.) ENJOY

All it calls for is a package of Oreo's, an 8oz pkg of cream cheese, and a package of Andie's mint chips. You use a food processor to chop the oreos. then you add in the creemcheese, mix them well. Then you roll them out into balls and let them sit in the fridge until they are a little harder. Then you melt the chips, dip the balls in, and let them set on some wax paper. they are wonderful. I even took some pictures for ya ( a little documentation of my journey.) ENJOY
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Family Pictures 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
small update
WOW. It has been such a long time since i posted, atleast I did well for a little while. I have had a few people ask for an update, so I will give a short one. Work is going really well for me. Im really loving my job, and hopefully things will be getting even better. Rob is still at the same branch, and he really likes it there. Rob and I hung out with some of his co-workers the Friday before Halloween. His Manager does a Scavanger hunt around the valley, and I got to go along. I was really nervous because i didnt really know anybody and Rob was going to be at one of the locations scaring, so I went with a really cute girl named Jo, and We had a lot of fun. Robs costume was awesome! I wish I would have gotten a picture of it. He also dressed up in a different costume for friday at work. he did such a good job with his makeup. We finally found a place to move to, since our Lease is up in mid December. Its in South Jordan, and I am really excited to go there, but I am dreding, and semi-stresing about the actual moving part. We are hoping to move the first weekend of December, and Im praying the weather is on our side. I didnt think I could beat my 7 minute commute to work that I have now, But as soon as one of the roads open, I am looking at a 5 minute commute-tops. In fact, at work we just moved upstairs, and I can see the neighborhood from our windows. Its pretty sweet! Rob's old mission companion, and one of his best friends just got married, and since then we have hung out a lot with them, as well as 3 other couples. It has been so much fun! We are making a lot of plans to hang out even more. I got a new Camera, and I want to get into the photography business, so I have had a little bit of fun playing around with it. I have a new Blog for my photography, it is Rob and I also got family pictures done with my family, I will put those pictures up soon! Other than that, nothing really exciting has been happening. Rob did end up getting 5 stitches in his hand today. He was at work getting some brownies out of a pan, and the knife won. :-( Other than that, we havent really been up to much. We are just busy with work, school (Rob), and hanging out with friends, Life is pretty great. I will try to be better at this, but until then......
Robs Halloween Costume for work

A picture I took at the Salt Lake temple. See more at
Robs Halloween Costume for work
A picture I took at the Salt Lake temple. See more at
Monday, September 27, 2010
TV for Me
I really hate to admit this, but I do like a few TV shows. I know I shouldn't like so much TV, but I do. oh well. That is life. The Shows I like are Greys anatomy, I have watched almost faithfully since the searies started. Rob and I love Criminal Minds. I think their job would be one of the coolest ever. I also may like Dr. Spencer Reid. He is probably one of my favorite Characters I have ever seen. and of course, I am a Gleek. and proud of it! I didnt like Glee at first, I thought it was weird, and then I really sat down and watched it, now I am hooked! I love all the music remixes. I will admit one or two of the characters drive me nuts, but the music is all worth it! So basically, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdy I pretty have some form of entertainment!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Favorite Movie(s)
I dont know if I have a "favorite" movie. But I do have a few movies I enjoy watching, that I could watch a few times over. One (and these are in no particular oder) would have to be phantom of the opera. I love the music, and I love Gerard Butler.

Another favorite is The Prince of Egypt. Yes, I am 24 years old, and I like animated movies, I like the music in this movie as well (there may be a running theme here...)

Some notible mentions are: Shawshank redemption, 27 dresses, Sleepy Hollow, The Harry Potter Series, Remember the titans, A walk to remember, Rent, Dirty Dancing, The proposal, Finding Neverland, and Newsies.

Another favorite is The Prince of Egypt. Yes, I am 24 years old, and I like animated movies, I like the music in this movie as well (there may be a running theme here...)

Some notible mentions are: Shawshank redemption, 27 dresses, Sleepy Hollow, The Harry Potter Series, Remember the titans, A walk to remember, Rent, Dirty Dancing, The proposal, Finding Neverland, and Newsies.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Love Like Crazy
When I read Day 1- Your favorite song, I paniced. If anybody knows me, they know how much I LOVE music, picking a favorite song, is almost imposible to me. I have always like the Song "Standing outside the fire" by Garth Brooks. It has always been a great reminder about how I want to live my life. However, This is Rob and I's blog, so I thought I would do a song for both of us. The song I chose was "Love like Crazy" by Lee Brice. I love this song (if you couldnt tell by the blog title, and the lyrics in the blog title.) This is exactly how I want my love to be. I think it has great advice, and I love the music. my favorite part is "Never get to old to call her Baby." and "Overuse I love you." I have given the music video, and the lyrics, I hope you enjoy!
Love Like Crazy- Lee Brice.
They called him crazy when they started out
Said seventeen's too young to know what loves about
They've been together fifty-eight years now
That’s crazy
He brought home sixty-seven bucks a week
He bought a little 2 bedroom house on Maple Street
Where she blessed him with six more mouths to feed
Yeah that’s crazy
Just ask him how he did it; he'll say pull up a seat
It'll only take a minute, to tell you everything
Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse I love you
Go to work, do your best, don't outsmart your common sense
Never let your prayin' knees get lazy
And love like crazy
They called him crazy when he quit his job
Said them home computers, boy they'll never take off
He sold his one man shop to Microsoft
They paid like crazy
Just ask him how he made it
He'll tell you faith and sweat
And the heart of a faithful woman,
Who never let him forget
Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse I love you
Go to work, do your best, don't outsmart your common sense
Never let your prayin knees get lazy
And love like crazy
Always treat your woman like a lady
Never get too old to call her baby
Never let your prayin knees get lazy
And love like crazy
They called him crazy when they started out
They've been together fifty-eight years now
Ain't that crazy?
Love Like Crazy- Lee Brice.
They called him crazy when they started out
Said seventeen's too young to know what loves about
They've been together fifty-eight years now
That’s crazy
He brought home sixty-seven bucks a week
He bought a little 2 bedroom house on Maple Street
Where she blessed him with six more mouths to feed
Yeah that’s crazy
Just ask him how he did it; he'll say pull up a seat
It'll only take a minute, to tell you everything
Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse I love you
Go to work, do your best, don't outsmart your common sense
Never let your prayin' knees get lazy
And love like crazy
They called him crazy when he quit his job
Said them home computers, boy they'll never take off
He sold his one man shop to Microsoft
They paid like crazy
Just ask him how he made it
He'll tell you faith and sweat
And the heart of a faithful woman,
Who never let him forget
Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse I love you
Go to work, do your best, don't outsmart your common sense
Never let your prayin knees get lazy
And love like crazy
Always treat your woman like a lady
Never get too old to call her baby
Never let your prayin knees get lazy
And love like crazy
They called him crazy when they started out
They've been together fifty-eight years now
Ain't that crazy?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
30 days of bloging to get to know Me/Us!
So I want to blog more, but a lot of the time, Im at a loss of things to say. So I decided to take something off Tricia's Blog, and see how it goes. I'ts a 30 day thing, a post a day. I think its a good way for some of you fellow blogers to get to know me, and maybe a little bit of Rob too. I am going start this tomorrow, but Ill give you a little preview of what to expect. So without further ado, the 30 days of blogging!!
day 1- your favorite song
day 2- your favorie movies
day 3-your favorite television program
day 4- your favorite book
day 5- your favorite quote
day 6- 20 of your favorite thigns
day 7- a photo that makes you happy
day 8- a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 9- a photo you took
day 10- a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
day 11-a photo of you recently
day 12- something you are OCD about
day 13- your favorite outfit
day 14- your favorite shoes
day 15- your dream house
day 16- a song that makes you cry
day 17- your favorite art piece
day 18- my wedding/future wedding/ past wedding
day 19- a talent of yours
day 20- a hobby of yours
day 21- a recipe
day 22- a website
day 23- a youtube video
day 24-where I live
day 25-your day in great detail
day 26- your week, in great detail
day 27- your worst habit
day 28- whats in my handbag/purse
day 29-hopes, dreams and plans for 365 days
day 30- a dream for the future
I think this is going to be fun! Let the Good times Roll!
day 1- your favorite song
day 2- your favorie movies
day 3-your favorite television program
day 4- your favorite book
day 5- your favorite quote
day 6- 20 of your favorite thigns
day 7- a photo that makes you happy
day 8- a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 9- a photo you took
day 10- a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
day 11-a photo of you recently
day 12- something you are OCD about
day 13- your favorite outfit
day 14- your favorite shoes
day 15- your dream house
day 16- a song that makes you cry
day 17- your favorite art piece
day 18- my wedding/future wedding/ past wedding
day 19- a talent of yours
day 20- a hobby of yours
day 21- a recipe
day 22- a website
day 23- a youtube video
day 24-where I live
day 25-your day in great detail
day 26- your week, in great detail
day 27- your worst habit
day 28- whats in my handbag/purse
day 29-hopes, dreams and plans for 365 days
day 30- a dream for the future
I think this is going to be fun! Let the Good times Roll!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Crazy is what we do best!
I feel like I should blog more, but I can never find the time to do so. This summer seemed crazy with all of our "mini-vacations." I was always excited to go, but I was also excited for a quiet weekend at home too. I guess Im still waiting for that relaxing weekend. Since Bear Lake, a lot has been added to, or changed in our everyday activities. Here are a few updates.
Rob has started as the assistant manager at the Milcreek branch. Rob started at this branch, and was really excited to get back there. He is really enjoying it. He has also started School. He is taking 2 classes, a math class, and a criminal justice class. Softball has started up again. and He has taken up Golf. He is injoying it, and its a nice way to enjoy the last of the summer heat, and bring in the cool autumn weather.
As for me, In mid to late August, we had some changes in managment at work, which led to a promotion for me. I am now the team lead for the disclosure department. Its been good learning a lot of new information. Along with the promotion, It came along with a lot more overtime. I worked 23 days in a row (including Saturdays and Sundays)I always feel exhausted, but the check and the experiences are nice. I am also hoping to learn how to sew. My mom and sister Brittany, are great, and Im hoping I can pick up a new hobby. Maybe I will have a creative outlet after all. I've also had the oppertunity to surround myself with great friends from high school. We went to lunch on a Saturday, and I hope its something we can continue to do.
Other than that, Rob and I are trying to find a place to move to when our lease is up in December, so if you have any suggestions, please let us know!
Rob has started as the assistant manager at the Milcreek branch. Rob started at this branch, and was really excited to get back there. He is really enjoying it. He has also started School. He is taking 2 classes, a math class, and a criminal justice class. Softball has started up again. and He has taken up Golf. He is injoying it, and its a nice way to enjoy the last of the summer heat, and bring in the cool autumn weather.
As for me, In mid to late August, we had some changes in managment at work, which led to a promotion for me. I am now the team lead for the disclosure department. Its been good learning a lot of new information. Along with the promotion, It came along with a lot more overtime. I worked 23 days in a row (including Saturdays and Sundays)I always feel exhausted, but the check and the experiences are nice. I am also hoping to learn how to sew. My mom and sister Brittany, are great, and Im hoping I can pick up a new hobby. Maybe I will have a creative outlet after all. I've also had the oppertunity to surround myself with great friends from high school. We went to lunch on a Saturday, and I hope its something we can continue to do.
Other than that, Rob and I are trying to find a place to move to when our lease is up in December, so if you have any suggestions, please let us know!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Fairwell to a great man

On September 8th, 2010 my Grandpa Luing Passed away. It was a bittersweet day for all of us, and everyone that knew him. I was up at my sister Brittany's house, when she got a call from my mom, saying the Hospice nurse didnt think Grandpa would make it through tomorrow night. I left her house right away, taking my Nephew Konnor with me for support. I got there as fast as I could, trying to explain to Kon what we were doing. Kon is a 5 year old, and I hoped and prayed I was saying the right things, so he would understand. When we got there, I was able to sneek down and have a few moments alone with my grandpa, and say goodbye. I was also able to see Kon come down, and give "Papa-great" a kiss and tell him that he loved him. My grandpa didnt say anything, but He would squeeze my hand to answer my questions. My sister mindi was the last of my siblings to arrive at about 6:55PM, at 7:00, My grandpa took his final breath, and returned to his heavenly father, with his loved ones surrounding him. Grandpa was diagnosed with Cancer about 9 years ago, then he was in remission. In early August, we were told that they doctors only thought he had 6 months left.
Harry Floyd Luing, Jr. 1928 ~ 2010 Harry Floyd Luing Jr. passed away on Sept. 8, 2010 at the age of 82 surrounded by his loving family. Harry was born Aug. 29, 1928 to Harry Floyd Sr. and Emily Watson Luing in Salt Lake City, Utah. Harry married Charlene Jex on June 24, 1953 (deceased). He then married Dorothy Giroux on Sept. 7, 1992. They enjoyed their golden years together, side-by-side, doing the things they loved. Harry was a veteran of the Korean Conflict. He was in the automobile repair business his entire career, and part owner of Auto Tech, Inc from 1975-2000. He enjoyed fishing, camping, and being in the great outdoors with his family and friends. He shared his dry humor and quick wit with everyone. He is survived by his wife Dorothy, his children Debra Ludlow, Craig (Karla), and Kevin (Liz) Luing, step children David (Rosemary), Jeff (Linda) Giroux, 17 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren, sister Betty (Wayne) Fawson, and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, wife (Charlene), and 3 sisters. A viewing will be held Sunday, September 12th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. and Monday from 11:00 to 11:45 a.m. at Larkin Sunset Gardens Mortuary, 1950 E. 10600 S. Graveside services will be held Monday at 12:30 p.m. in the Murray City Cemetery, 5600 S. Vine St (800 E.) Online condolences may be made at The family gives special thanks to the staff at the VA Hospital and CNS Hospice Services.
Some things I will always remember: Trips to Flaming Gorge, BBQ's the sunday before school started, Christmas Eve's, Almonds, and Watching the Murray "Smokestacks" blow up from his back patio. Heaven has one of its great men back to watch over us, while we finish our journey here on earth.
Monday, August 16, 2010
A short update
Hello Fellow bloggers! I wanted to post a short blog bit about the past weekend, and ask a few questions to you. First of all, this Past weekend Rob and I had the oppertunity to go up to Bear Lake with some of Robs Family. It was a lot of fun! We were down there half of Friday, and got back late Sunday night. We played on the Boat, and on the four-wheelers. It was a lot of fun getting to know Robs sisters and their husbands more, and it was fun to be back up to Bear Lake with Rob. Rob and I went up to bear lake August 8th 2009 (give or take a few days) Rob and I had only known each other a week or so, but I went with him, and that is where I met his Parents, and some siblings. I was nervous that first time, but after a while, I knew they were an amazing group of people. It was also where Rob wanted to kiss me for the first time. We were on the 4 wheeler going up to a resevour, but for some funny reasons, he couldnt find the right time to do it. There was a guy shooting a gun into a little lake, there was a huge family in the clearing, and Robs brother tried following us at first. It just wasnt ment to be. The funny thing about it all, was on this trip, Rob and I decided to take a quick ride up to the resevoir, and on the way up, the four wheeler died, and we had to push it back. I guess I am never going to get a kiss up at the resevoir. LOL. All in all the trip was a lot of fun. It was relaxing, and I love having time with family. I am truly blessed with all the family we have, on both sides.
On an unrelated note, I am wondering if anybody has some good easy recipies for yummy meals, and if anybody has any tips on saving money while grocery shopping. I have been seriously lacking on making dinner, and I really want to get back into the habit. Thanks in advance!!
On an unrelated note, I am wondering if anybody has some good easy recipies for yummy meals, and if anybody has any tips on saving money while grocery shopping. I have been seriously lacking on making dinner, and I really want to get back into the habit. Thanks in advance!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
On the Road again!
This last weekend, Rob and I decided to go on a road trip to Oakland California to watch the A's Play the Texas Rangers.It was a long roadtrip. We left Friday night around 7:30PM, got to Oakland around 10AM, just in time for Batting Practice to Start. The game ended at about 4:00PM, and we headed right home after a short nap in some little place called Lovelock, NV. Rob Played Baseball with one of the Pitchers on the Rangers, Colby Lewis, so we decided to go watch him play. When we got the tickets to the game, He was scheduled to pitch for us, however, Cliff Lee got a headcold, and it switched the order. So we ended up seeing Harden Pitch. Either way, it was a lot of fun. Here are a few pictures.
Next stop: Hopefully Yankee Stadium (as well as a game in Philly, and DC!)
Next stop: Hopefully Yankee Stadium (as well as a game in Philly, and DC!)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Random Summer Fun
This summer has been so much fun! I just wanted to highlight a few different fun weekends we have had. First of all, we went to my first Dodger Game the last weekend of June. It was a last minute trip and Our friends Tony and Loni came with us. It was a lot of time in the car, but it was well worth it. We also stoped in Las Vegas and played there for a few hours. It was a lot of fun, and Im excited to go to another Dodger game, and Vegas again.
The second thing we did was we went to Centeral Utah for the 4th of July with Tony and Loni. We visited with Loni's family. We went to 2 parades, a rodeo, and had an awesome firework display at Loni's parents house. It was a lot of fun.
This last Slide show is a hoopla of pictures, it was a fun week or so. Robs Sister Kim came into town from California, and we went with Momma Carter and got pedicures. Then the following wednesday Robs Younger Brother returned from His full time Mission in Mexico. It was really fun to meet him for the first time, and see his family see him again. the last few pictures are from Rob's Family reunion in Colorado. I had so much fun in Colorado meeting family. We left to drive to Colorado on thursday Morning, Rob was unable to get that Thursday and Friday off, so he flew in on Saturday Morning. It was hard being away from him for 2 days, but I think it was the best thing for me, It made me be more out-going while meeting Robs cousins that he grew up that I had never met. I loved everyone! he has the best family ever, they are all so friendly and funny. I love them all so much, and hope we are able to see each other soon, or in the least, keep in touch. Its so much fun having a big family!
The second thing we did was we went to Centeral Utah for the 4th of July with Tony and Loni. We visited with Loni's family. We went to 2 parades, a rodeo, and had an awesome firework display at Loni's parents house. It was a lot of fun.
This last Slide show is a hoopla of pictures, it was a fun week or so. Robs Sister Kim came into town from California, and we went with Momma Carter and got pedicures. Then the following wednesday Robs Younger Brother returned from His full time Mission in Mexico. It was really fun to meet him for the first time, and see his family see him again. the last few pictures are from Rob's Family reunion in Colorado. I had so much fun in Colorado meeting family. We left to drive to Colorado on thursday Morning, Rob was unable to get that Thursday and Friday off, so he flew in on Saturday Morning. It was hard being away from him for 2 days, but I think it was the best thing for me, It made me be more out-going while meeting Robs cousins that he grew up that I had never met. I loved everyone! he has the best family ever, they are all so friendly and funny. I love them all so much, and hope we are able to see each other soon, or in the least, keep in touch. Its so much fun having a big family!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Our wedding day.
Now that all the pictures are up, I thought I would write a little about the actual wedding itself. First of all, I wanted to actually start with the night before at the family dinner. The dinner itself was more of an afterthought, but it was a good idea. Since it was an afterthought, It was kind of stressful, I had almost everyone we knew looking into seeing if they could get their ward building to actually have the dinner at. We luckily were able to find the location (thanks to Cindy, Robs sister) the Sunday before the dinner. (The dinner was planned for the night before the wedding.) I thought the dinner was a success. My sister Mindi made pulled pork sandwiches, and then we just had a “pot luck” style dinner, we just asked everyone to bring their favorite salad or dessert. We also gave the watches to sisters/moms/grandmas/friends/etc. (My sister Brittany made them all) and we also gave the nieces their dresses for the wedding, that way if we needed any adjustments, we could do them before the actual wedding (and when I say “we” I mean my sister Brittany, she made all the dresses too.) Rob and I ended up staying at the church until almost midnight with our good friends, Tony and Loni. We just shot the basketball around, and then sat around and talked. I don’t think we realized how late it actually was, at least I didn’t. When we finally left, I was dreading the coming hours. Not the marrying Rob part, but the fact that I put off the music, and I knew I had to face the task. I still needed to decide on what song we were going to dance to, what to dance with my Brother to, etc. When Rob and I finally said goodnight, it was 3 minutes to midnight, and I was exhausted. I decided I should go to bed, and then wake up early and do the music really quick. After a very SLEEPLESS night, my siblings showed up, and my brother made us Hitchmas. While I was eating, I started the music project (around 9AM.) After Breakfast, Brittany and I ran to Wal-Mart for more frames, and some odd’s and end’s. The day seemed really odd to me, When my family had meals together –which was a lot- Rob is always there, so having him not there, was strange to me. I wanted to be traditional, and not have him see me until I was walking down the aisle. (as well as my sisters wanted me to be traditional.) I remember thinking of that, and the stress hit me like a ton of bricks, and it seemed to come from every angle. Here are a few examples of stress I had: The bakery called to deliver the cake 4 hours early, I had not talked to my photographer (my photographer had a death in her family earlier in the week, so she got her assistant to do them, but I didn’t know who she was, when to expect her, etc.) It was snowing, Brittany’s car broke, I didn’t have enough time to go pick up the flowers like I had thought I would, I didn’t know if the linens had been picked up, the CD’s would not burn (after fighting with the music for about 4 hours prior to that) I didn’t start getting ready until WAY late, I still had to run to Rob and I’s to pack for 2 days when Rob and I would be gone, and there was construction on the street where the wedding was, and I was later than I wanted to arrive. (Bless Robs heart, I was texting him all day all stressed, and I called him crying, he probably wanted to shut off his phone) Once everything was taken care of, and fixed (thanks in a HUGE part to both Rob’s and my family) I was in a better mood. When I got to the Venue, we made Rob hide in the Bathroom, so I could slip inside, unseen by him, and get in my dress, and the finishing touches done. I had a lot of help getting ready. I had all three sisters in there, and my mom. We had a slight hiccup when my mom’s CD player would not play the CD’s I made all morning. But that was quickly fixed when my sister Theresa’s parents brought a CD player. Finally, the big moment was here! My brother Jeff walked my down the aisle, and the moment I saw Rob, all the remaining stress I had over little details with the reception melted away, and it didn’t really matter, because I was going to marry this man even if the sky was falling. I love the way Rob looked at me as I walked up the aisle. The walk down the aisle seemed endless, all I wanted to do was get up to him, and hold his hand. I was so glad to get to him, I was finally where I belonged. We had a short ceremony, performed by our Bishop, Bishop Reddish. After the ceremony, we did family and group pictures. I had so much fun. The pictures were great and help us relive everything. Once the reception got started, we just mingled with friends and family members that were able to come and support us. I didn’t really get a chance to eat, but the food looked really good. Rob and Tony did a “toast” (they went a year without soda, and had a Coke and Dr Pepper.) After that, I don’t remember the exact order, but we had our first dance as husband and wife. The song was “When you’ve got a good thing” by Lady Antebellum. I danced with my brother to “When you come back down” by Nickelcreek. We cut our yummy cake (red velvet) to Taylor Swifts “Today was a fairytale.” Theresa caught the bouquet, and our Nephew Jared caught the garter. Somewhere in the mix of the evening, was probably Rob and my favorite thing. My 4 year old nephew Konnor, got the microphone and sang “last Christmas” to all of us, including the high pitched “special” part. My sister Brittany was mortified, but Rob and I loved it, and wouldn’t have had it any other way. We left the reception around 9:15, and the day turned out to be perfect!
Wedding list:
Date: March 26, 2010
Location: Lone Peak Pavilion, Sandy Utah
Colors: Black and white with little bits of Red
Cake: Bottom tier- Red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. Middle tier- Marble cake with fudge filling. Top tier- Spice cake with Bavarian Cream. Decorated with White fondant, different polk-a-dot styles on each tier.
Food: Pasta Salad, Chicken Salad, Ham and turkey sandwiches, vegetables, and a sheet cake.
Witnesses: Al Carter (Robs Dad) and Jeff Ludlow (my Brother)
Photography: Mikes Photo
Things I will always remember:
1. Konnor singing to everyone
2. The look on Robs face when he first saw me
3. The “kiss”, one to seal our marriage, one to build our deams on.
4. Becoming Mrs. Robert Carter, and truly realizing how lucky I was.
Wedding list:
Date: March 26, 2010
Location: Lone Peak Pavilion, Sandy Utah
Colors: Black and white with little bits of Red
Cake: Bottom tier- Red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. Middle tier- Marble cake with fudge filling. Top tier- Spice cake with Bavarian Cream. Decorated with White fondant, different polk-a-dot styles on each tier.
Food: Pasta Salad, Chicken Salad, Ham and turkey sandwiches, vegetables, and a sheet cake.
Witnesses: Al Carter (Robs Dad) and Jeff Ludlow (my Brother)
Photography: Mikes Photo
Things I will always remember:
1. Konnor singing to everyone
2. The look on Robs face when he first saw me
3. The “kiss”, one to seal our marriage, one to build our deams on.
4. Becoming Mrs. Robert Carter, and truly realizing how lucky I was.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
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