Rob came down for his break, and I was lying on the couch. He asked how I was doing, and l said I was fine. He went back upstairs to work. He came back down at about 6:15 and I asked if he wanted to go on a drive. He asked where, and I said to the hospital. He asked if I was serious, and how long they had been going on. I told him that they started around 4, and were about 4 minutes apart. (I wanted to wait as long as I could and not make rob miss more work then he had to) We called robs mom and asked if she could come watch Anistyn, she was heading out the door, so I said I could call Katy and Brent. She said they were going together. They were headed out the door to pick them up, then they would swing by and pick up Anistyn. When they had Anistyn, rob and I drove to the hospital. When we arrived, contractions were strong and uncomfortable and 3-4 minutes apart. They put us in a triage room around 7 and hooked me up to the monitors. They checked me, and I was a 2. (At my apt on Monday, I was a 1.5) they wanted to watch my contractions for an hour and then check again and see if I was progressing. We waited an hour, were checked, and I hadn't progressed, so they suggested we go walk around for an hour and see if that helped. We went and walked to the cafeteria and got something to eat, and of walked while I ate my sandwich. When we got back to the room, and hooked up again, we were checked again. And there was no change, so we began talking about options. I knew I didn't want the same experience I had with Anistyn (being sent home on morphine and going into labor and sleeping through the whole labor experience) morphine was a suggestion, and my back was hurting so bad that it was tempting, but we decided on some percocet and going to bed. Rob dropped me off, and he went and picked Anistyn up from Brent and Katy's house and got her into bed. I took a bath and climbed into bed myself. It was about 11:30. The Percocet helped my back, but I hated the feeling of it. I felt like a floating head. I finally fell asleep around 12:30. At about 3:30 am, I woke up and had to go to the bathroom. Things were normal until I was washing my hands, I felt like I had to go to the bathroom again, so I did, but there was a gush and I thought my water broke. I wasn't feeling any contractions, so I decided to change the sheets on the bed, clean our bedroom a little (rob was sleeping in anistyns bedroom in case she woke up, since we didn't know if I would hear her being on the pain killers.) I finally woke rob up, told him what happened, and called Katy to come over while Anistyn slept. So off we went to the hospital again. Again we were put in the triage room, and again we waited. I explained what happened, and apparently it didn't sound like my water broke to the nurses. They did some tests, and we waited until the results came back, and they were negative. So we were sent home again. It was frustrating to be sent home for the 2nd time, and I decided that I wasn't going back to the hospital unless my water broke. We had set a date a couple weeks before to be induced, so I decided that I could hold out until then (Friday the 11th)
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