
Sunday, May 4, 2014


The Saturday of Easter weekend, I decided to take Anistyn (and paisley) to the herriman Easter egg hunt. It was a last minute decision, and I met up with some of robs siblings. Rob was working, so this was the first time I had taken both girls out on my own. While I was hurrying and getting us ready, I had huge black spots show up, completely making me unable to see. The vision got better, but I was hit with the most painful headache I had ever experienced. As the hunt went on, the headache only intensified. We finally had to leave, and as I was driving home, the black spots were coming back. Luckily, it was anistyns nap time, so I took a nap too. When I woke up it wasn't any better. My mom took Anistyn for the afternoon and I was able to rest some more. Nothing helped the headache, I was taking 800mg ib profen, and that was not even making a dent in the pain. I was also feeling very dizzy and sick to my stomach. I finally went to sleep for the night, and woke up feeling a little better. I went throughout my day, and by that evening, i could feel the headache coming on again. I went to sleep early, and was woken up at about 3am to the killer headache again, as well as being sick to my stomach. I took a loratab, and even that did not help it. I put a cool rag on my head and tried to sleep again. Throughout the day I could hardly function. Tuesday night, it was back in full force, as well as not being able to see. By Wednesday, I decided I should call my OB. Several people mentioned that it could be a headache from the epidural, and since I had never experienced a headache like these before, I decided to call. After the nurse calling me back, I was advised that if another headache happened, I needed to go to the ER, and that I should have a CT scan done to rule out anything serious  ( I guess blood clots are pretty common after having a baby ) I felt a headache starting Thursday, but I took some ib profin at the first sign, and it helped a little. Unfortunately on Friday afternoon, the headache hit again , fast and hard. I tried taking something at the first sign, but it didn't help and this time, I couldn't see anything. I went into robs office and asked him to give me a blessing, and we decided we should go to the hospital. I got to the hospital, and was checked in, and once I was settled into a room, rob took Anistyn to his sisters house. I was hooked up to an IV, and had blood drawn. Rob got back as they were giving me something for the pain (a combination of morphine, Benadryl, and something else) they decided they did want a CT scan, so that was done too. The CT scan came back normal, and they said it was just a migrain. Nothing to be concerned about (as far as something because of having a baby) they sent me home and told me to follow up with my primary care dr the next day. I didn't end up seeing my dr until Tuesday. At my apt, I let him know that I had been in the ER, blood work had been done, as well as the CT scan. I told him that they said it was just a migrain and to see him. He looked at the scan, and clearly saw that it was not just a migrain. He read the report, and agreed with the radiologist. Apparently I have something like 6 sinus infections.  ( or 6 sinus cavities are all affected- I'm not sure on the exact terminology, since I was having a headache when I was talking with him) and I have a lot of signs and damage from hay fever and allergies. Pretty much that scan shows a lot of damage. He did a couple other exams, and got a little more history, and put me on some heavy antibiotics, as well as gave me some nose spray. He advised that I would probably feel worse, before I felt better, but that he was fairly certain that my sinuses were the case of the headache, but if they did not go away in a week or so, then to come back in and we would test to make sure the headaches were not due to the hormone changes that come with having a baby. 

I have now been on the antibiotic for 5 days, and I have been mostly headache free. I have felt them try and come on, but ib profin has helped for the most part. The weird part about this, is I NEVER had any "normal" symptoms of a sinus infection. No runny or stuffy nose, no tooth aches, no sore cheeks. NOTHING. The headache just hit out of no where. The dr thinks I've been getting them for a while, and they just pile up and go untreated since I don't have any of the symptoms. Since the antibiotics, I have had a runny and stuffy nose. Hopefully the antibiotics treat this, and i won't have to deal with this again, but it's comforting to know that if I do get another headache like that one, we know why, and how to treat it. The dr did say that if I continue to get these infections, there are some preventative steps they can take, he didn't to into detail, but he did say surgery is possible. For now, I am hoping I will get better, and the headache will go away, so I can begin to really enjoy my daughters. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, that sounds miserable! I hope the headache and nose symptoms all go away. Josh has been really sick with allergies and not being able to breathe out of his nose since he has a deviated symptom. It's awful. I'm glad you have something that is at least helping the headaches.
