
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rockin' and Rollin'

Rob and I had our first "Official" prenatal visit with the doctor, March 8th. I was super excited to see our baby again and hear a heartbeat. The morning of our apt I called the Dr office to see if I needed a full bladder for the apt (as all the ultrasounds I've had, Ive had to drink a ton of water)The office told me that an ultrasound was not scheduled, and I was really sad. (I think that after being sick, I wanted to see the baby as a reassurance type thing) We got to the apt, did the normal weight thing (from what I can tell I have gained about 3 lbs) blood pressure (which is excellent) and then we went back into the room. The DR did the normal exams. He said he could definitely tell I was pregnant (Like by belly poking out isn't a big enough sign ha ha)I asked him about the cyst, and he said he didn't feel it as big as it should have been, but that he could still feel it. Then he said the magic words. "Lets do an ultrasound and see what we find" YAY!!!! a minute or two later, a little machine was brought into the room, and we were looking at our baby. (Or trying to) Boy, does our baby like to move all over the place! we couldn't get a great picture of the baby, but seeing it move so much was so exciting! I cant wait to feel them move!! The Dr also confirmed that Voldermort was still there, but he was in fact a lot smaller than he had been at the last ultrasound. The Dr said he wanted to do another ultrasound in 2 weeks. He thinks Voldermort will be gone by then! We have another apt with the Dr in 4 weeks. The Dr did move my due date back a day from what the nurse told me when she called me to tell me I was pregnant. The baby's estimated due date is now September 28, 2012. (I'm still hoping for October- Nobody in my family has a birthday in October (as in siblings and nieces and nephews on my side)

10 weeks 5 days

11 weeks 4 days

So our next ultrasound is Thursday 3/22. I'm super excited for that day. We get to see our baby again, And we see hunger games that night!!! I cant wait!!

On a sadder note, Rob's work wont let him have Easter weekend off, so our trip to Texas isn't going to happen, and I'm super sad about it (when rob told me, it was my first "pregnant lady emotional breakdown" I am really REALLY sad about it. Rob's mom, and Aunt Celine have told me to just come, and Rob said I could, but I have not decided yet If I want to be away from him. We will see.

The Dr told us that he doesn't want me traveling after 28 weeks (which is around July 6th) So the family trip to bear lake isn't going to happen, and that seems weird to me since we have gone for the past 3 years.

Rob and I are trying to think of a trip we can take before the (no fly zone) since we both want one last trip before the baby comes.

Other than that, I don't really know what else to say on here, so Im gonna say good bye. have a WONDERFUL night/day/time!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Im a survivor

Holy cow! where did the last 5 weeks go?!?! It seems like yesterday when we heard that we were pregnant. Crazy! Does all of pregnancy go this fast?

Nothing too exciting has happened since Valentines day. I ended up getting a cold, which turned into a sinus infection a few days later. It seems when you are pregnant, your cold symptoms are magnified by 10! Luckily, a few days after starting an antibiotic, I started feeling better. I still have a cough that feels like its broken my ribs, and taking deep breaths KILLS, but I got an inhaler as well, and that seems to be doing wonders. Now I am done with my 10 days of antibiotics, and I hope I don't get a cold again!

One semi weird thing(and tender mercy) about getting sick, is that mercifully, my morning sickness has eased up A LOT! I still feel nausea if I go too long without eating, but now my body seems to be getting the hang of this pregnancy thing!

Rob has been busy at work, which has taken some adjustments for me. Friday he worked 2PM-6AM. Saturday he worked 2PM-11PM. Sunday he worked 2PM-3AM. And Monday he worked 2PM-6AM. talk about BUSY! I hate sleeping alone!

I cant believe February is gone! I have no idea where the month went, but I am excited for the next month or so! here are a few things I'm looking forward to:

1-We have our first "official" doctors appointment on March 8th. We will get an update on Voldermort, and get to see and hear our baby's heartbeat! I cant wait!!

2-My cousin is doing a Bachelor finale party, and Im so excited (even though I cheated and already know who Ben picks) It will be super fun watching it with friends!

3-HUNGER GAMES!!! I am so excited for this movie! My sisters, their husbands, Dad, Rebecca, and Rob and I all have tickets to see a pre screening. "May the odds ever be in your favor!!!"

4-Rob and I will be celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary on the 26th! I dont know what we are gonna do for it, but I'm excited!!

5-Easter weekend, (yes, I know it isn't in March, but close)Rob and I will be hopping on a plane and heading to Texas. I'm super excited to meet Rob's cousins baby (She is being blessed Easter Sunday)and seeing Robs family again! I freaking love them all!!

Also, since I have slacked, here are a few pictures!

8 Weeks

9 weeks 6 days