
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Maternity pictures

I was able to have maternity pictures taken this time around (I could never find the time to get them done with Anistyn) I was really nervous about getting them done. I wanted to document this pregnancy, but its hard to want pictures taken when you feel like a hippo, and are VERY self cautious about how I look. And of course, I was having a bad hair day and running late. (Isn't that how it always goes?) Anyway, a girl in my ward does photography, and she is who took them. HUGE Shout out to Mckenzie. Please check out her website at She was so fun to work with, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my pictures. (seriously, go check her out!) We have a few more pictures (but I haven't seen them yet- but they have the babies name in them, so I wouldn't post them anyway) Here are the maternity pictures I got with Anistyn:
Here are Baby #2's maternity pictures. These were taken at 35 weeks
(I apologize about a few of them being taken from facebook, I dont have the CD yet with all the pictures.) ONCE AGAIN, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND MCKENZIE.!

Baby #2

Baby #2 (who is named, but were keeping it on the down low until she arrives) is due April 18th. This pregnancy has been VERY different from the pregnancy I had with Anistyn. Anistyn was a piece of cake. I was sick for maybe 3 weeks with her. B#2 had me sick up until about 30 weeks. Around week 14 my doctor took pity on me and gave me a prescription to help with it. I tried not to take it, but sometimes, I just didn't have a choice. In fact, even at 35 weeks, I still have to take it every once in a while. The sickness was one of the reasons I thought this baby was a boy. One of the other differences I've noticed with this pregnancy is that I am A LOT smaller then I was with Anistyn. We have changed our habits this time around, and that may be part of the reason. I don't drink carbonation (my last carbonated drink was the night before I had Anistyn, just shy of 18 months ago) we don't eat out near as much as we did. We started going to the gym (which I haven't done in a while-but I'll get to that later) and oh yeah... I'm chasing after an 18 month old. I do find it very difficult to fall asleep at night, and then I wake up, check on Anistyn, and can't fall asleep again for a couple of hours. Luckily, Anistyn takes 2, 2 hour naps a day, and I can usually take a nap with her. Rob works from home now, so I also get to sleep in a little and he will take care of her (although she usually wakes up between 8:30 and 9. Now onto the fun part of this pregnancy... In December I was having really sharp back pain, that made it almost impossible to move, or sit, or lay down. I had had kidney stones in the past, and was sure that's what I had then, but since we didn't have insurance until January 1st, I made myself deal with the pain, and I refused to take any Tylenol to help it. The pain eventually went away after about 2 weeks. It came back in February and I talked to my dr about it. He ran some tests, and I was right. Kidney stones, and a UTI (uti's are not good when pregnant, they can put you into labor-which is the reason I had Anistyn early- I had a UTI then too) the dr gave me something for the UTI, but there isn't anything you can really do for a kidney stone while pregnant, so we just decided to watch it. Around January, I also started having contractions. They were not your normal Braxton hicks contractions (although I was having those too) they were painful, and sometimes as close together as 7 minutes. In mid January, and a routine dr apt, the doctor checked, and I had started to dialate, so I was put on "modified" bed rest. That means do only what I had to to take care of Anistyn, and nothing else. He said we wanted to keep her in until at least 37 weeks (which is considered full term) then on Monday, rob got tickets to go to the jazz game from work, I was having contractions already, and I didn't want to chase Anistyn around, so I told him to ask if his brother wanted to go. The contractions got really close and painful, and there was so much pressure that I couldn't even walk or stand. I managed to get Anistyn down for bed, and took a bath (which sometimes helps slow or stop my contractions) but this time it didn't help. I hadn't had to take the contraction medicine yet, and I was afraid to take it when it was just Anistyn and I at home. I finally crawled (literally) into bed and was in tears. I felt like maybe I should go to the hospital, but I was terrified of having b#2 early. I called the dr on call, and I text rob and told him what I was feeling, and asked that he come home first so he and Brent could give me a blessing, before taking Brent home. The dr called me and gave me instructions on how to try and make the contractions stop (all which I had already tried) and we agreed that it should hold off on the medicine until rob was home- just in case)  and if they didn't stop or slow down or ease up within an hour, I needed to go to the hospital) Rob and Brent took trax, and had a delay (they think they hit a deer) so Brent sent Katy over to sit with me. When Katy got here, I took the medicine and laid in bed. When the guys got home, I got a blessing, and almost immediately fell asleep. The medicine knocked me out, and I felt the side effects for about 24 hours after. (I really hope I don't have to take it again) needless to say, my dr called when he got back into the office, and I was put on 2 weeks of straight bedrest. He said at 37 weeks I can start to try having the baby, so I fully intend daily walks around the hills in herriman. So here I am, laying in bed, updating the blog because Anistyn is napping, rob is working, and I can't sleep. 

I'm so excited to meet this little girl, and watch Anistyn and her grow and play together. Anistyn already loves her little sister, and loves to kiss my belly, feed my belly, and say baby. Here are some pictures of this baby, and pregnancy. Finding out at 4 weeks
5 weeks
9 weeks, 3 days
13 weeks, 3 days
14 weeks, 3 days
15 weeks, 5 days
19 weeks, 4 days
22 weeks
28 weeks
29 weeks
29.5 weeks (side by side picture: Left: Anistyn, Right: Baby #2)
32 weeks

Baby #2's first picture (9/11/2013)

Gender confirmation and anatomy ultrasound (1/03/2014)